Friday, April 30, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday 4/27 PhotoBucket day!

Narrative Photo People:  Upload photos to your blog in the order of your story.  ok, you are done! :) 

PhotoJournalist Paper People:  Finish your paper.  Make sure you write down any websites that you used.  Then, email your paper to  Make your name the SUBJECT! :)  ok, you are done!

If you are done-----  please take a few minutes and set up a PhotoBucket account.  You can upload all of your photos (if you have them...or get them from your blog) on that site.  Try it out...its pretty nifty.  Once you have your photos uploaded to that site, you can post them to blogger. Click on SHARE and then copy the html code and post it to your blog that way. :)   There is also a way to post directly to blogger, but I've tried it a bunch of times and its only worked once.

Here is an example where I copied the html code and then pasted it into my Post. (Hint: you have to select the tab at the top of your post where it says Edit HTML..then paste the code.  Then click on Compose again to see it.)

ta-da!!  As you can is HUGE!   This is the Original size. You have to click on it to see the whole photo. can resize it by clicking on it while you are typing your post.  You can make it Small, Medium, Large, or X-Large.

Photobucket   See?  Here I made it small.

Photobucket   Now its Medium!

Photobucket  This is Large.

Finally, this is X-Large.  :)   

  • Make a PhotoBucket account.
  • Upload photos from this class to your PhotoBucket account. 
  • Once you have uploaded some photos to PhotoBucket, make a post on your blog. 
  • Include a photo where you have copied the HTML code from Photobucket and pasted it into your new post window.
  • Resize the image to be small, medium, large, x-large, and original.  I don't care what order you go in. 

You will get 60 points for this post.  (10 pts for each resize, plus 10 points for creating a PhotoBucket account)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spaced Out DUE by Friday

Make sure you have the Spaced Out assignment posted to your blog by Friday!!! I will be grading them during class on Friday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

REMINDERS for "Spaced Out"

Spaced Out Assignment Reminders:

You must incorporate at least 30 images into your photo collage construction.
You might want to check out the examples that I posted before spring break.

Check out Alex's.  She is already finished.

You may manipulate your images to best reflect the concepts described in this assignment.
You may be creative and adjust colors, etc in your photos.

To begin construction of your photo design, create a new blank page in Paint.NET that is 24" wide by 18" tall at 200 dpi (pixels/inch) resolution. NOTE: You have to change the dpi first and THEN put in the dimensions.  Also, make sure you change the dimensions in INCHES and not PIXELS!

Then, you will paste your image pieces onto this blank canvas to construct your image. Be warned! You will have to reduce the size of each piece-- they will be too large to fit all of them onto the blank page. You may want to shrink the size down before you copy and paste.  It won't take as long.

When you are happy with your collage, flatten all of your layers.  Save your work as a .jpg at the full size (ex: Space.jpg.). Then shrink the file down to 25% of the original size and save again, but make sure you change the title (ex: SpaceSMALL.jpg). Post the small version to your blog.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

~welcome back~

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you enjoyed the time off. 

Today you will...

1.  Finish up your composite assignments if needed.
2.  Begin working on your "Spaced Out" assignment. Reread the last post before you begin.
3.  If you don't have any photos, you may ask Mrs. Crouch to see if you can go out and take photos today or we may go outside and around the school as a class.  Hopefully you have your camera! :)