Using Microsoft PowerPoint you will show examples of the following:
- 10 (out of the 22) Paint.NET tools (you MUST explain magic wand, gradient, & clone stamp)
- All types of Blurs in the "blurs" menu
- All items in the "distort" menu
- All items in "noise" menu
- All items in "photo" menu
- All items in the "artistic" menu
- All of the items uder the Adjustments Menu (There are a lot of these--auto-level, brightness/contrast, curves, black and white, hue/saturation, invert colors, levels, posterize, sepia)
- Layers and the different ways in which they can be "blended"
For each item, you need to include:
- Type the Title (ex. Gaussian Blur),
- Explain what it does and how it works (The less words you use the better, but explain it in a way that you understand. YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN WORDS!)
- Post an original unedited photo
- and then one where you have adjusted the image using the tool/effect/adjustment. (For Layers, then you will need to use 2 photos and have them in 2 different layers)
Example of one slide: (mine is copied from the website, yours MUST be original and use your own photos! If you don't have any photos of your own yet, then select one from