Friday, February 24, 2012

Next Photo-Taking Assignment: Macro Mode

Regular Digital Cameras:  We will be using the FLOWER ICON on your digital cameras. This is Macro Mode. It is used for taking photos of things up close. It uses a larger aperture and so creates a more narrow depth of field. It is good for taking photos of flowers, thus the icon.

DSLR owners should use the A or Av function (Aperture-priority mode, which allows users to set the f-stop and the camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed based on the amount of light)

~~~~You will need to avoid CAMERA SHAKE.~~~~

Camera shake occurs OFTEN. It is especially bad when you take photos in low light. Click this link to learn how to avoid this dreaded problem! (one thing she doesn't mention here is that you can also lay your camera on a table, post, tree, ground, etc.and use the TIMER function to stabilize the camera)

You are strongly urged to take these photos outdoors in natural light. (DURING THE DAY!) This will give you the best lighting. If you are shooting indoors, please turn every light on and don't shoot at night.

You can click on this link to read more about
Macro Mode.


Your Assignment:
Explore the use of the Macro Mode to create narrow depth of field in your artwork.

Remember that Macro Mode will allow you to focus on things that are close, but things that are far away will be blurry. Blurry is good in this case, as long as EVERYTHING is not blurry.

Be creative and think about what you can photograph. Don't photography flowers. (There aren't many flowers this time of year anyway) Groups of similar objects work well. Remember to always think about the elements of art and the principles of design. 

DO NOT FORGET TO THINK ABOUT YOUR COMPOSITION RULES!!! Especially the Rule of Thirds, leading lines, and dramatic angles.   PS: Don't Center Stuff!

In your photos, things up close should be in focus and things further away will be slightly (to majorly) blurry.

You must take at least 50 photos.  Your 50 photos will be worth 50 points.

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