Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Requirements

Starting today, you will be expected to create a new post in your blog every single day that you are in Photo Art Class.  These will be graded every Friday.  NO EXCUSES. (You cannot write 5 posts on Friday and expect to get your points.)  Each post is worth 5 points, so you will have a total of about 25 points per week (for a normal school week)

It would be a good idea to post your photos to your blog regularly (Everyday is best) It shows the process of your artwork and allows other students to view your work and make comments that might help.

You will be expected to view classmates blogs regularly (links will be added to http://www.crouchphotoart.blogspot.com/ and post at least 1 comment on each student's blog per assignment.  You are expected to comment about their artwork and make suggestions, not just about things going on in class, school, gossip, etc.  These will be graded as well, but I haven't decided on the points it will be worth yet.

Every photo art assignment will be turned in to me using your blog.  You will post each final assignment to the blog and I will grade it from there.  (There will some written work, some worksheets, some emailed assignments too.)


  1. http://rachiesphotos.blogspot.com/


  2. http://erinevenight.blogspot.com/


  3. www.http://bigcarls.blogspot.com/

  4. http://annesblogspot.blogspot.com/

  5. http://mellowfellowsphotos.blogspot.com/

  6. http://benniboi40.blogspot.com/

    this is completely confusing me.... and im really hungry... :(

  7. http://jermiah12345.blogspot.com/

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. http://rcsamplesphotoart.blogspot.com/

  10. http://www.humormydelusion.blogspot.com/
